Happy Earth Day!

In honour of Earth Day I am sitting by the pool enjoying the glorious Florida sunshine. Gwennie is splashing in the pool pretending to be either a mermaid or a whale. I am constantly being requested to take a look at what she’s doing. I am amazed at her incessant chatter. It’s as though her little brain goes 100 miles an hour constantly. It can be a little tiring but she is so damned cute! Now that I am working I think I enjoy, and appreciate more, our times together. She really is such a joy and a blessing!

It’s been 2 1/2 years since we lost Henry and I have grown used to the fact that Gwennie may be our only one. I have stopped getting hopeful each month and am finally able to embrace each period with open arms rather than tears of frustration.

Not sure what happened this month but I ended up being four days late. I felt the old familiar creeping of hope in my veins. Today put a strong, resounding stop to that feeling. Am I disappointed? Yes, in a way, but in another I am not. I know that if G is our only child we will be able to give her so much more than we would if we had two children. I am such a firm believer of everything happening for a reason. I believe there is a greater plan for all of us. I want to try and go with the flow. Sometimes it is easier said than done. I can’t help but battle a feeling of loss. I am getting older and I know my time, in being able to have another child, is nearly done.

In other news, one of my knees is bothering me. After discussion with my peers it seems as though I am going too low in wide turned-out thigh. I did it 3 times in class last week and I am feeling it. I need to bring it on up. I feel it’s fortunate that I am getting a 3-day break from class to rest it a little.

Inching closer…

I am teaching the last half of class! Which feels great! I feel like I am finally getting closer to certification. I am now working on the last section of exercises and then I can teach the first half of class… and then start setting up my community classes. Here I will be able to teach up to 6 students for free to help me get experience in teaching a complete class before being evaluated on my skills as an instructor. And of course I have the final exam to take! YIKES!

Our studio is holding a training for new instructors at the beginning of June. My trainer, Jen (from the San Marina studio) will be the trainer! I can’t wait to see her again and I am hoping she will have time to evaluate me for my certification. The timing would be perfect!

Fingers crossed that it all works out! I can’t wait to be on the schedule teaching!

In other news, I am feeling a bit down on myself. Now I know we can’t all look great in every single photo, but there have been several photos of myself of late where I have cringed at my appearance. I look heavier than I feel and wow, who is that old lady with all the lines and wrinkles? I feel like I need some divine intervention.

In better news, Gwennie got to dance with the Orlando Magic Dancers Friday night! One of my co-workers at The Bar method is the dance captain for the dancers and she asked Gwennie to go join them. Sadly, Kendra sprained her ankle badly and was unable to perform, but Gwennie still went and danced with Emmy and had a wonderful night! I was amazed at how unfazed she was with all the crowds and noise… and the fact that she was up way past her bedtime. She was a little star and a natural born performer. We were so proud of her!

Gwennie with Emmy and Virgillia
Gwennie and I on the court!
Taking it all in!
Shake it!

So proud of my Dad!

MARTIN DEELEY (my Dad!) is an Internationally recognized companion dog and gundog trainer, behavior consultant, writer and commentator. In the field he specializes in spaniel and retriever training and is renowned throughout Europe and America as an authority on training both dogs and their owners.

Florida Dog Trainer.

He has written several books and has just had another published. This one is a sweet rendition of a true story… as narrated by Leo, a stray pup who finds friends and a good home. It’s a fabulous read… perfect for both adults and children.

It’s featured at an amazing steal-away price right now, so do check it out and get yourself a copy!

Leo- The Incredible and Amazing Dog Star.

Continuing on….

I have started to co-teach a different section of class this week. It is going well… very new session is a learning experience! I am now teaching curl, back-dancing, and final stretch. I am studying round-back and flat-back, which I will co-teach next. Phew!

I’m not really a person who talks a lot, so I find it a new challenge to be constantly (that’s how I feel anyway!) vocal for an hour! There is so much to say in the way of set-ups, verbal corrections, and the giving of benefits and praise. It’s a lot to spit out, but the more I practice the easier it becomes. I feel very relieved that I spotted classes for a while before co-teaching, as I feel very confident and comfortable with hands-on adjustments. It’s one less thing to worry about in a way! I just have to concentrate on what is coming out of my mouth!

I feel like I am learning something new every day… and the wonderful thing about The Bar Method is that HQ is constantly reviewing the workouts and improving the set-ups. They check in with each studio regularly and we discuss the wisdom they impair upon us on a daily/weekly basis. I love being part of a system that demands excellence and really cares for the clients’ bodies and well-being.

I had a nice email from two of the girls I trained with in Austin. They are cruising along nicely and seem to be enjoying it, albeit finding it a tad challenging at times! We are all excited to get through this training process, take the exam, and be ready to teach classes of our own. I am looking forward to teaching some community classes in the near future. It will be such good experience!